WP Review vs. WP-PostRatings – the best RICH SNIPPET plugin

Google Rich Snippet CodeCave


There are a lot of WordPress Article Review plugins available. Some with the functionality to add META data for Google’s Rich Snippet SERPs.
Two are very popular, WP Review and WP-PostRatings.

I’ve tested both of them and cleary there is only ONE winner. But this will come later.


How Rich Snippet SERPs work in general

You use Metadata in your HTML to present the ratings to Google. Google takes them if they like to and add them to their results for you website. I’ve noticed, that mostly the popular posts get the stars fast in SERPs.

Here’s more information directly from Google


WP Review or WP-PostRatings, which plugin gets the job done?

I had some trouble with WP Review which I couldn’t solve.
First it had layout issues with the second plugins I am using on my projects called Table Of Contents Plus and secondly the Structured Data Testing Tool | Google Developers showed me the error “no rating object given” so it seems to me that this plugin does NOT work at all.


The winner plugin?

Clearly WP-PostRatings for me.
It gives you settings for almost everything you need and I’ve got my star SERPs within one or two days on my popular posts.

wp postratings rich snippet aktivieren


Just don’t forget to enable the Google Rich Snippets after the installation ;)


Do the stars in SERP help with traffic?

Clearly YES.


Hope this helps and have fun ;)

  1. hi. Please tell me. How can I implement rating star / reviews on a simple html blog, for my articles?

    Can it be made without wordpress?

    • Sure you can but it’s not really that easy and you will need to do it manually in each article …

      You will need some sort of selection script for the end user to rate your article and save it in MySQL (via Ajax, Javascript, JQuery or/and PHP there are many ways to do so) and then read the database out with php and echo the result (for other end users to see) and the following META stuff (you need to edit for each article) for stars in the google SERP rankings:


      You can find more information on google pages https://developers.google.com/structured-data/rich-snippets/reviews and by searching the terms “rich snippet html” “google rich snippets” “microdata google rich snippet”

      Hope that helps a bit :)

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