Category Archives: Guides

Audi A6 FIX door contact “button” in door lock (the checker for opened door)

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WP Multisite: How to map domain to child blog in PLESK

So you’re trying to setup a multisite WordPress blog network and have trouble setting up a domain directly to the child blog AND you’re using PLESK?

I had the same problem and found an easy solution myself.

It seems like there is a lot of stuff online about this topic but mostly outdated or not directly for PLESK so I’ve decided to show you here how you can make the multisite work with one domain for every sub blog with the help of PLESK.

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Edit smileys in WordPress (Javascript comment section)

smileys in wordpress

So you’d like to edit the ugly smiley text in wordpress like : eek: or : razz: or : biggrin: (I have to let some space between : and the smiley text) to real symbolic smileys like : P, : D, : * (again I have to let space so wordpress doesn’t convert the emoticons)? Most plugins seem outdated, Here I am going to show you ..

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Open a wrist watch FAST without any special tools (HOWTO)

here I am going to show you how to open your wrist watch without buying special tools.

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Click to get the new link

Info moved click to get new link