Monthly Archives: July 2015

FIX SOLUTION Teamspeak “Failed to convert string nan to float”



If you get the above error message there’s a quick fix / solution to it!

“A critical error occurred, the application will be terminated. Please notify us about the error in our support forum. Failed to convert string nan to float.”

Will be displayed in an error box.

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OkayFreedom Setup or repair failed – FIX / SOLUTION

OkayFreedom setup or repair failed fix solution

Ever used OkayFreedom? Can be a pain in the ass sometimes

For a VPN project I am using OkayFreedom inside a VirtualBox and it was working quite ok for half a year.

Some days ago it started annoying me with weird update massages, I was like dude it’s working perfectly fine and does whats it supposed to do, why the hell would I update the VPN client?

Some of you now that line ‘never touch a running system’ and imho it’s one of the best lines in computer terms because updates mostly make it worse.

So it stopped working after two weeks and I was like okay now I’ll do you the favor and update you.

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WP PostRatings – Rich Snippet Meta with one pager WordPress

wp postratings rich snippet aktivieren


I think this won’t be useful for most of you guys, BUT if you’re using WordPress in a way like me, you will be able to implement this tip for your wordpress page!

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WP Review vs. WP-PostRatings – the best RICH SNIPPET plugin

Google Rich Snippet CodeCave


There are a lot of WordPress Article Review plugins available. Some with the functionality to add META data for Google’s Rich Snippet SERPs.
Two are very popular, WP Review and WP-PostRatings.

I’ve tested both of them and cleary there is only ONE winner. But this will come later.

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CSS DIV display a shadow around the box



So here I am going to show you how to add a nice shadow to your DIV box with the help of CSS code.
Almost like in Photoshop you can set up many different things and manipulite the shadow in different directions.

I recommend you just to play a bit around as it’s fast and easy to understand. You could also get Firebug to test things out before you add them to your .css file.

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WP Multisite: How to map domain to child blog in PLESK

So you’re trying to setup a multisite WordPress blog network and have trouble setting up a domain directly to the child blog AND you’re using PLESK?

I had the same problem and found an easy solution myself.

It seems like there is a lot of stuff online about this topic but mostly outdated or not directly for PLESK so I’ve decided to show you here how you can make the multisite work with one domain for every sub blog with the help of PLESK.

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